Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

I am Anyeska, a hardworking student who has created various projects in the AICE Media Studies class. The project I will be starting now is the final task. This project will need an extensive amount of research in order to progress. I will be doing lots of background research before I am able to film it. Since I am a plan-ahead type of person, I like to make a schedule and think everything for it. Personally, I like to be the director and editor of the films. This is because it gives me the ability to create films on how I want it to be and to my own liking. Which is why I am excited to make a two-minute opening scene for a horror film. For this project, I will be working with the same people as the last. The people from the last projects were Lesly, Britania, and Jazmin. I preferred to work with them because it's more fun and efficient. 

I have learned tremendously throughout being in my AICE Media Studies class. One being, that I found out how to edit films better, which makes my ideas for films becoming real. Another is when I was filming the scenes in my other projects, it encouraged me to develop a filming hobby. That has helped me acknowledge what camera angles or camera movements work better in certain instances. Also, how to make the filming process more organized when it comes to dumping raw footage from the camera onto my computer.  Experimenting with my film has made me be able to create many different scenarios. With those different scenarios, I'm able to easily make storyboards and consider them simple. I am excited to begin the storyboard and research for this film. The fact that I am able to work with a group of my friends is even better. I can't wait to use the skills I've learned and my several talents to use, all for the final task! 

A pitch is a Hollywood term to describe where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. Usually one or two sentences. I have three pitch ideas. The first pitch is a group of girls found an abandoned house and figure out that there is a ghost, which ends up possessing one of them. Do the others find out? The second pitch is that there is a girls sleepover but while they are sleeping, one of the girls wake up at 3:00am not being able to move, breathe, or speak. The third pitch is a group of friends is hanging out when one of them hears a creepy whisper, it attracts them to a ghost who is trying to kill him. I came up with these pitch ideas by choosing a genre (horror) and then brainstorming short yet scary stories. I want the film to be something that would make the audience want more, like a cliff-hanger. In these films, I plan to have extra actors or helpers to record. There will also be props and makeup to improve the films. 
Left to right: Britania, Jazmin, Lesly, and I working on our final task!!

Me writing notes for the Final Film!!

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